It appears, after careful searching (read: not that careful), that I never blogged our pumpkin effort from last year. Odds are it was because we were stuck in Minneapolis due to Superstorm Sandy, but it could be just because I'm lazy (quiet, you.)
So, after a really nice effort this year, I've decided on a MEGAPOST of both years' accomplishments!
Without further ado, we'll start with 2012's editions:
Ellen's Dr. Who "Fezzes are cool":

Katie's "Nyan Pumpkin"
Chris's "Celtic Pride" unlit and lit
And my "Super Mario" unlit and lit.
Linda did not participate in the 2012 festivities, preferring to take a more advisory post. However, she did a wonderful job with her "Jack Skellington" head this year:
Katie followed up her lovely Nyan cat with an even geekier effort, the robots from Portal 2 "high fiving".
Chris outdid himself with the Psycho from Borderlands 2. I'm posting a picture from their website this is based on, and his freehand pumpkin version.
I did the 10th Doctor, David Tennant, looking angry.
All in all, a really really great batch this year. Super impressed with Chris's, especially. It required a huge amount of patience and he did a great job!