September 2010 Archives

One liners

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Overheard today from Ellen:

"I'm not predisposed to self-motivation."

and when talking about Lady Gaga's "Meat dress":

"Afterwards, we could have Rack of Gaga."


Katie X

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Today's my Katie-bug's 10th birthday! When she awoke, the balloon fairy had ravaged her room yet again, but sadly it will be for the last time. Just as candy doesn't taste as good when you're 10, so does the balloon fairy cease to come to spread inflated-rubber joy.


Right now, Katie, Kim and Ellen are trekking off to get the birthday present that means most to her...Gerbils. Yes, we acquiesced to her continued badgering for a pet and in the last week she's obtained a new tree frog (Lyra!) and now a pair of gerbils. She is bouncing off the walls in anticipation. Picture of the little guys to come soon.

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