2 Packs, yo?

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We're on the way to our accountant, playing a game at Katie's suggestion where someone says a proper noun (usually a name) and then the next person has to say another name that starts with the letter that the last person's choice ended with, e.g., if I say "Batman", the next person would have to pick a name that starts with "N". So we're going around dozens of times and I say one that ends in an R. Kim's next and says "R2D2". Katie comes next and, not surprisingly, is sort of stuck coming up with a name that begins with the number 2:

Me: How about 2Pac Shakur (which is also spelled "Tupac").
Katie: OK. (mumbles something) Ellen, it's "n" to you now.
Me: wait..N? shouldn't it be R?
Katie: no, chicken ends in N.
Me: um...chicken?
Katie: yeah, didn't you say "2 packs of chicken?"

There's the new king of rap: 2pack of chicken. Word up, wingboy.

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